Infrastructure Upgrades, Renovations and Expansions

/ Specializations

Infrastructure Upgrades, Renovations and Expansions

RWC Systems deliver exceptional infrastructure renovations and expansions that uplift infrastructure spaces.

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Renovations and Expansions

All public infrastructure will eventually become outdated and worn. RWC delivers the construction needed to keep your infrastructure spaces modern and safe to keep up with population and usage growth.

The Joyce-Collingwood Skytrain Station is connected to the greater Vancouver Translink system. Similar to other Metro Vancouver train stations, it was overdue for a significant upgrade to keep up with community growth.

RWC Systems was brought on to execute the modernization of the facility.


  • 1 year turn around
  • Worked in abnormal sub-zero temperatures
  • Renovations occurred during night shifts (non-revenue hours)

YVR Pier D Expansion

YVR is a globally recognized international airport and acts as a hub for international flights leaving Western Canada. YVR needed to expand rapidly to accommodate the influx of international passengers while incorporating a west coast style design for the Pier D Expansion.

RWC Systems delivered the unique west coast forest-style airport expansion.


  • Featured a glassed-in island forest with access to the outdoors
  • 8 new gates
  • Included an immersive digital experience and a yoga, prayer and quiet room.
  • RWC Systems is the choice for the upgrade, construction and expansion of infrastructure

    • On-time with no service disruption

      Public Infrastructure is integral to accommodate the movement of any metropolitan city. RWC’s ability to complete projects on time with no service interruptions allows for continued usage of your structures for foreseeable future.

    • Capacity to execute

      High trained, experienced and skilled. The staff and workers at RWC Systems have executed projects that included hundreds of rooms, required thousands of man hours and had millions of details.

    • No rework needed

      Remove the hassle and operation nightmare of having to redo work. Our expertise, high attention to detail and structured quality assurance allows our renovations and builds to be executed correctly, the first time, every time.

    • High-end construction since 1978

      RWC Systems has been delivering high end construction work since 1978. This provides RWC an unparalleled amount of expertise to execute even the most challenging of projects

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